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Feeling comfortable in your own skin isn’t always easy. Both the psychological, physical and emotional reasons for desiring a reduced bust line are real and valid. Patients may choose to have breast reduction surgery because of shoulder, neck or back pain, discomfort while sleeping, rashes under trapped skin, an inability to take part in certain sports, wear certain clothes, or a feeling of self-consciousness.

Dr. Judge genuinely understands how a distorted self-image can impact a woman’s esteem. A plastic surgeon and true artist, she combines a skilled hand with an artful eye for masterful results.* She believes in an individualized approach that puts what the patient envisions first and foremost. Her ability to listen closely to what her patients want and execute in a collaborative and expert manner make her an ideal choice for a breast reduction procedure. Dr. Judge’s goal is to provide each patient with results that restore their confidence and inspire an empowered attitude.

Visit our clinic in San Francisco or seek an appointment at (415) 409-9760 with our plastic surgeon to determine the best line of treatment. You can fill out the online contact us form to hear back from us.


Every patient is different and Dr. Judge makes a point of taking the time to consult closely with her patients to determine in a collaborative discussion how much of a reduction is needed. Breast reduction and lift surgery removes a part of the breast skin, fat, and glandular (breast) tissue.

Benefits from a breast reduction surpass just a shift in physical appearance: patients may experience reduced shoulder and back pain, a more symmetrical appearance and improvement in clothing fit.*

Prior to the operation you will work with Dr. Judge to discuss your aesthetic and physical goals regarding your breast reduction. Incision location will be determined based on the shape and size of your breasts. Dr. Judge will work with you to decide on the best course of action for your individual needs. No two breast reduction surgeries are the same, and Dr. Judge’s attention to detail and artistic vision allows her to optimally tailor the procedure to your desires.

Woman in her underwear sitting on a bed smiling


Performed under general anesthesia with a licensed anesthetist overseeing the procedure, this outpatient surgery takes anywhere from two to four hours depending on the degree of reduction desired. All of Dr. Judge’s breast reductions are performed at an outpatient surgery center.

A breast reduction with implant always results in a lifted breast with the nipple and areola made the appropriate side and located at the correct position. The procedure can also be combined with a tummy tuck or liposuction. Dr. Judge will discuss the best way to achieve your desired aesthetic during your consultation.


Expect to feel tired and sore after the breast reduction and lift surgery. There will be postoperative discomfort, but generally the pain is managed with oral pain killers and subsides within a couple of days.*

Although the patient goes home after the surgery and must walk around, they will be unable to perform any strenuous activity and it is important to limit movement so that the tissues may heal. It is advised that a capable adult stay with the patient for a 24-hour period following the surgery to monitor recovery.

Most patients are able to return to work after a week.*

*Individual results may vary. Not a guarantee.


View Breast Reduction Before & After Images


If you are interested in breast reduction surgery, book a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Judge today. Call (415) 409-9760 or click the BOOK button below to book your appointment.


We're happy to answer any questions you may have, feel free to call us at
(415) 409-9760