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Do you feel as if the position of your eyebrows hangs too low on your face? Do you have age-related lines on your forehead that you want to remove? If so, a brow lift or forehead lift may be the perfect treatment option for you. This cosmetic plastic surgery procedure can revitalize drooping or lined foreheads, adjust the skin above the eyes to smooth the forehead, diminish frown lines and elevate the eyebrows.* As a result, patients are able to restore a more youthful appearance that makes them look less tired, angry or sad.*

This is the perfect treatment for patients who are looking to correct*:

  • Frown lines (wrinkles on the forehead)
  • Excessive skin above and around the eyebrows
  • The effects of aging with inelastic skin
  • A brow position that is too low


Before your procedure, you will schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Judge. During your initial consultation, she will discuss your options and alternatives in great detail, in order to let you make an informed decision. In some cases, you may be able to avoid surgery. If surgery is the best option for you, Dr. Judge will make incisions in inconspicuous spots so that your scars will be undetectable. Two weeks before your surgery, you will come in for a pre-op appointment in order to go over the instructions for your brow / forehead lift.

Red-headed woman raising an eyebrow


Both a brow lift and forehead lift are common, outpatient procedures performed at a surgery center in San Francisco. You will be under general or local anesthesia during the entirety or the procedure (approximately 2 hours). Dr. Judge can utilize two techniques to perform this surgery: traditional or endoscopic (minimally invasive). During the operation, Dr. Judge will evaluate the skin above your brows to smooth your forehead, elevate your brows and diminish your frown lines for a symmetric and rejuvenated appearance of the upper face.

During a traditional brow lift or forehead lift, Dr. Judge will make a coronal incision behind your hairline, stretching between your ears and across the top of your forehead. If you have thinning hair, the incision can be placed further back or along the skull bone joints to minimize visibility. Next, your forehead skin will be lifted, tissue will be removed, muscles will be adjusted and your brows may be lifted. Any excess skin will be trimmed and the incision will be closed up with stitches or staples. The site will be washed and your incision will be protected with gauze.

During an endoscopic procedure, Dr. Judge will make 3-5 short incisions behind your hairline. An endoscope (a thin tube with a powerful light and tiny camera at one end) will then be placed in one incision so that she can see beneath your skin without having to make a larger incision. Dr. Judge will then adjust your muscles and lift your skin through the other incisions.


After your operation, you will be able to return home. You will be encouraged to walk around that evening in order to prevent blood clots and promote healing. If surgical staples were used to close the incision, they will be removed one week after your surgery (along with your stitches).

Patients are usually able to return to work after 4-6 days.* The majority of your swelling and bruising will fade after a week, and strenuous activities should be avoided during that time. Scars from a brow or forehead lift typically fade in a few months, but makeup can be used to minimize the effects of any bruising.*

*Individual results may vary. Not a guarantee.


To meet with Dr. Tanya Judge for a one-on-one consultation, click the button below to book an appointment at our office in San Francisco. Or you can reach us by phone at (415) 409-9760.


We're happy to answer any questions you may have, feel free to call us at
(415) 409-9760